
PreSchool I classes enhance body awareness, hand-eye coordination, rhythmic awareness and musicality. A wide variety of games, songs, and activities help provide instruction in basic ballet steps and proper French terminology. Class is 40 minutes long and meets once per week. These students may choose to participate in the annual spring recital. ALL classes are based on a proven curriculum using positive reinforcement in a nurturing atmosphere.
Apparel: Leotard (any color), pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes; (ballet skirt optional)
Hair: Ballet Bun (Short hair must be secured away from face.)

Preschool II
Ages 4 – 5 (Must be 4 by September 30)
PreSchool II dancers participate in creative dancing games as their warm-up activities, followed by an energetic approach to ballet and tap exercises. Basic BALLET technique develops flexibility, strength, and posture. Basic ballet positions and movements and French terminology are taught at this level. TAP lessons develop rhythmic awareness and musicality while having lots of fun. PreSchool II classes meet once each week for 45 minutes. These students may choose to participate in the annual recital. ALL classes are based on a proven curriculum using positive reinforcement in a nurturing atmosphere.
Apparel: Leotard (any color), pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes, black tap shoes; (ballet skirt optional) These students need a small bag to carry shoes to class.
Hair: Ballet Bun (Short hair must be secured away from face.)

Ages 5-7 (Must be 5 by September 30)
Primary is a foundation class that continues the basics of ballet and tap technique. Dancers will be introduced to flexibility exercises, rhythmic and musicality skills, terminology, and stage presence. Jazz is introduced as an additional dance genre as dancers focus on picking up steps quickly, counting music, and precision of movement. Class is one hour in length and meets once per week.
Apparel: Leotard (any color), pink tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes; (ballet skirt optional). *Jazz shoes may be purchased in December after black or tan color is specified by your teacher.
Hair: Ballet Bun (Short hair must be secured away from face.)

Foundations (Ballet/Tap/Jazz I)
Ages 6-9 (6-year-olds must have completed Primary class prior to enrolling)
Foundations classes are the building blocks that prepare young dancers to be Company members. There is a strong focus on technique as dancers continue training in ballet, tap, and jazz. Exercises in this class are designed to refine movements, improve flexibility, and increase body and spatial awareness. Dancers will learn discipline in a positive environment and also develop skills on working as a team and understanding constructive feedback. Class is 90 minutes and meets once per week.
Apparel: Leotard (any color), pink tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, jazz shoes (color determined by teacher); (ballet skirt optional).
Hair: Ballet Bun

PreCompany (Ballet II & Tap/Jazz II)
Ages 7-10 (by teacher recommendation)
PreCompany members are expected to enroll in a Ballet II and Tap/Jazz II class. At this level, dancers are becoming serious about the fundamentals of classical ballet, proper body alignment, flexibility, and technique in tap and jazz. There is a focus on discipline, attendance, working as a team, and taking corrections. Dancers will also have the opportunity to perform with Company members and will be prepared for Company auditions by the end of the year. Previous dance experience is required.
Apparel: For ballet, a leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes are required; For Tap/Jazz, dance shorts with tights, capris, or jazz pants are permitted with a leotard or snug-fitting tank top. Black tap shoes and jazz shoes.
Hair: A ballet bun is required for all ballet classes; a bun or secure ponytail is accepted for Tap/Jazz.

Recreational Classes
Ages 7 & Up
Recreational Classes include a variety of genres, ages, and skill levels. These classes focus on having fun while learning basic dance technique, how to work as a group, and dance terminology. Dancers will also learn movement dynamics, musicality, body awareness, and precision. These classes are a great way to prepare for school danceline activities and stay physically active!
Apparel: Ballet Class – Leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes; Pop Hop – yoga pants or capris, snug-fitting top, jazz shoes; Contemporary – yoga pants or capris, snug-fitting top, ballet shoes
Hair: Secure ponytail; Ballet BUN required for ballet classes
Power & Grace School of Performing Arts offers several options for dancers who exhibit special interest and ability:

Power & Grace Dance Company
A combination of groups of talented young dancers, ranging from the intermediate to the advanced and pre-professional levels, all members of Power & Grace Dance Company train at Power & Grace School of Performing Arts under the direction of Christy Holden. Acceptance into the Company provides the serious dance student with intensive training and performing experience plus opportunities to work with internationally known teachers and choreographers.
Auditions are held each spring for membership in this strenuous and disciplined program. Training includes classical ballet, jazz, tap, modern, lyrical and hip-hop. Senior and Junior Company members are also instructed in classical pointe using the Cecchetti ballet method which reduces injuries and allows adaptability when auditioning for different choreography styles. At the end of their training, P&G Dance Company dancers will have the skills and experience necessary to excel in professional and college programs.
Stars is designed for children, generally ages 8 to 10, who show apparent dance ability and are musically inclined. These children are usually recommended by their dance instructors to audition for this program. They attend classes twice weekly for training in ballet, tap and jazz. Stars may perform in some local venues and participate in regional competitions.
Apprentice Company is a program designed for dancers, approximately ages 9 to 12, who demonstrate a strong interest in dance and are ready for the next level. These dancers are quickly developing their technical ability and becoming quite disciplined. They usually study 3 to 5 hours per week, training in ballet, tap and jazz. Apprentices perform in local venues and participate in regional competitions.
Junior Company, approximately ages 11 and up, begins pointe training, and intensifies the study of classical ballet, jazz, tap, and modern dance. At this level, the students are able to broaden their knowledge as a dancer and as a performer. Dancing as a team member becomes a vital part of the 5 to 8 hours of weekly training that these students receive. Juniors perform locally and attend regional competitions and conventions.
Senior Company, approximately ages 14 and up, trains 8 to 12 hours per week in a pre-professional environment. These dancers are aware of their own potential, and are dedicated to the art of dance. Pointe and classical ballet are studied intensely, as well as progressive training in jazz, modern dance, and tap. Additional classes in classical variation, hip-hop, and contemporary are also offered. Dancers in Senior Company exhibit an extraordinary commitment to dance and make classes and rehearsals a priority. Senior Company performs frequently at local events and attend regional conventions and competitions.